
MALE and FEMALE  NARRATOR come to center stage and addresses the audience.              



“Hello and welcome;

Thank you everyone for your support and for your attendance tonight. Be ready for the fascinating adventure that we at the Veterans and Military Listening Post hope you will experience in this presentation of The Teller and Listener Play for Veterans, Military and Civilians.

It is an easy yet profound performance.  Through the words and actions in the next hour and half, we will all find meaning and change in some special way. You will see, hear and feel some remarkable insights in the words of the stories and scenes these wonderful actors will perform for you tonight. You will also become part of the play’s transforming qualities that ensure its success and value. You will see yourself in this play.”



We at Veterans and Military Listening Post want you to be proud that you attended this play tonight. By being here you demonstrate and prove that the invisible bond of patriotism becomes visible through the art of telling and listening.  This is so good for our veterans, our military, and just as importantly, as you will see for ourselves.

The Veterans and Military Listening Post recognizes that listening is one of the most transformative ways of continued positive support for our veterans and military. In the presentation that you are about to see, we will show you’re the power of Listening!”


Donations are greatly appreciated.

Chris Uzzi

Certified Veterans Peer Recovery Specialist CRPS100032

Excellent Listeners
